COVID-19, Woodstock Area Relief Fund (WARF)

As we continue to navigate life in the time of Covid, Woodstock Area Relief Fund (WARF) caseworkers have connected with a large group of local resource organizations. We’re listing them below, and we’ve created a page on our website ( ) with the list.
We have funds available to help with rent, food, basic household needs, and child care. When you apply, our caseworkers will happily guide you toward one or more of these organizations that can help as well. Feel free to contact these wonderful resources directly.
Financial assistance for unmet medical expenses and homecare needs:

Beth Robinson, grants manager, Ottauquechee Health Foundation
(802) 457-4188 or on the web at

Woodstock Area Community Food Shelf
217 Maxham Meadow Way, Woodstock
Monday 4-6 PM, Wednesday 1-3 PM, Saturday 10 AM-12 PM

Upper Valley Haven
713 Hartford Ave, White River Junction
(802) 295-6500 or on the web at

VT Foodbank/Veggie Van Go
1st Thursday of each month
9:15 AM to 10:15 AM, Woodstock High School

Bridgewater-Oak Chapel Christian Fellowship
35 Oak Chapel Rd, Bridgewater
(802) 952-8571

Reading Good Neighbor Food Shelf
3456 Tyson Reading Rd, South Reading
(802) 484-1470 or on the web at

Woodstock Area Job Bank
Beth Crowe, director
(802) 952-9010, or on the web at

Utility assistance, emergency fuel assistance, weatherization programs:
Shannon Tzrinske, family services worker, SEVCA-Southeastern VT Community Action
(802) 295-5215, or on the web at

Energy assistance:
GMP’s Energy Assistance program helps lower-income Vermonters afford energy for their homes—regardless of how they heat their homes.
(800) 775-0516 or on the web at

Assistance in applying for healthcare insurance:
Samantha Ball, coordinator, Windsor Community Health Clinic
(802) 674-7213, or on the web at

Breast pumps, feminine products, infant formula, diapers:
Krista Duval, Women’s Health Resource Center, White River Junction
(603) 650-2600, or on the web at

Public benefits:
Vermont Economic Services Division administers several benefits that help Vermonters meet their basic needs. Use their online application to apply for 3SquaresVT, Fuel Assistance & Reach Up.
(800) 479-6151 or on the web at

WARF is committed to maintaining applicant confidentiality.

To apply for WARF aid:
To ask questions:
To see regular updates on Facebook: @woodstockarearelieffund